Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My wife, Sarah, just gave me this awesome testimonial.

Being a wife of a chiropractor, adjustments are a part of my life. Just like sleeping, breathing, and eating, regular adjustments play a huge role in my overall health, happiness, and activity level. I notice when I slip up and do not get adjusted on a regular basis; it is just like if I don't sleep well for a few nights in a row, or if I don't eat right and over-indulge in sweets. It starts to take a toll.
Since I have a chiropractor right at my fingertips, it seems rather strange for me to say, "I sometimes miss getting my regular adjustment", but it is true; I occasionally miss them. I have to schedule them in my calendar just like I do for exercising, household chores, and my son's activities. Otherwise I tend to fall behind.
When I go too long without an adjustment I start finding myself "pinched" in little places in my back or neck that I don't usually feel. I may also start to notice that while running or exercising, my breathing is a little more shallow than normal. When I notice these things, I know that I have waited too long and I am overdue for an adjustment. Unfortunately, when I wait too long, it sometimes takes 2 or 3 adjustments in a row before I get back to normal. I am quickly reminded again to write it on my planner and get adjusted on a regular basis, because it sure is better to always be feeling 100%.
Sarah Shanks

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