Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What is a Chiropractor? What Kinds of Problems do They Treat?

What is a Chiropractor? What Kinds of Problems do They Treat?

A chiropractor, or Doctor of Chiropractic, is a licensed physician with the educational and professional expertise in the area of treating musculoskeletal disorders of the spine; in other words, they are experts at treating symptoms such as back pain, neck pain, and headaches. Chiropractors commonly work with problems such as sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, disc problems, arthritis, and many others.

The word Chiropractor comes from the Greek words for “hand” and “practice or treat”, so Chiropractic literally means “treating with the hands”. This definition is very appropriate to the practice of Chiropractic, as Chiropractors work with their hands to “adjust” or “mobilize” the joints of the spine in order to provide a drug and surgery free method of relieving a person’s symptoms and restoring their spine back to normal health. Chiropractors rely on different adjusting techniques to correct postural problems, reduce structural misalignments, and improve joint range of motion. A Chiropractic adjustment is a specific movement or maneuver performed by a Chiropractor that includes the proper force, speed, and direction in order to effectively move or mobilize the bones of the spine. Chiropractors rely on their extensive background in spinal anatomy combined with years of hands-on education to provide adjustments in a comfortable, pain free, and safe manner.

Before beginning adjustments on a patient, Chiropractors typically take a thorough history, including information about the patient’s presenting problems, as well as past health history, relevant family health history, and a review of systems. A Chiropractor also performs a complete orthopedic and neurological exam to determine if the patient is a candidate for Chiropractic adjustments or if a referral needs to be made. The exam also helps to determine the projected length of treatment and expected outcomes. In some offices x-rays may be taken or referred out, depending on the needs of the patient.

Besides treating musculoskeletal conditions of the spine, many Chiropractors are heavily involved in preventative health measures as well. They are advocates of proper nutrition, exercise, non-smoking, natural foods, limited use of medications, proper posture, and proper biomechanics while at work. Many Chiropractors also recommend maintaining the health of the spine through the process of regular “maintenance” adjustments.

This has been a brief overview, for more information about the practice of Chiropractic, call or visit a local Chiropractor in your area.

Dr. Calvin Shanks, a practicing Chiropractor of nine (9) years is the owner of The Fix, Chiropractic Solutions in Paducah, KY. For more information please visit the website at www.thefixchiro.com, or telephone at 270-450-0848, or visit the office in The Village Business Center (behind The Home Depot, next to Dallas Medical and David Spicer Jewelers) in Paducah, KY.

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